Tuesday, 30 August 2016

IKEA Budget Wish List

Since moving in together, me and B have been trying to make our rental house into our home. I love watching home-wear hauls, especially from Ikea - who doesn't like IKEA!?) or Primark. They are pretty much my favorite shops for house bits.

I'm only about half an hour away from my closest Primark, but my closest IKEA isn't exactly close at 3 hours and 27 minutes away. I'm pretty sure there is a collection point somewhere near us, though.

I've given myself a budget of £100 pounds for my online window shopping. Some might say it's a lot, and some might say it's not very much. B and I try to budget everything, we're a young couple and B has two young children - we're also hoping to expand our family more - so money is something we try to save whenever possible. 

Quick disclaimer: The prices mentioned could change. If you're reading this months - or even years - after this was first published, prices could have changed or products could be removed from the production line.
None of the links provided are affiliate links. This post is not sponsored in any way, and I don't get paid or compensated for any of it. I've linked things purely for your ease of use if you find something you like.

Anyway, here we go! Here's my IKEA wish list- on a budget.

Trofast - £29

Having two kids - even if they don't live with us all the time - means we have toys everywhere. Our downstairs is pretty much drowning in toys and kids' bits and bobs, so this box system seems a pretty good idea. The kids are old enough to know to put their toys away, so having boxes where they can just throw everything in before eating or their bath and bed-time would help keep the downstairs tidy. Failing that, once the kids are in bed I can put everything in the boxes haha!

£100 - £29 = £71

Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Weight-loss journey: weeks 2 & 3

First off, I'd like to say thank you for your support and interest in this mini series and in my blog in general. It means so much to me! I'm planning a Twitter give-away when we reach 500 followers to say thank you to you all :)

Getting back to this post, I joined two weeks together as I was insanely busy the day Week 2 was meant to go up. I'm trying to get some more time to sit and write, and fortunately it should only be 2 or 3 more weeks of absolute mayhem and after than life should go back to relative normality.

Wednesday, 3 August 2016

Why I can't share what I want to

This post is a little more serious than my others, but it's only to explain a little of what's going on and why I can't share everything with you. If you have any tips or advice for me, please share :) .