Tuesday, 26 July 2016

Weight-loss and Fitness Journey: Week 1

It's been a week since I my first post on losing weight and getting healthy. If you haven't read it yet, you can find it here. I've had a very busy week, so I've not done exactly what I wanted to, but I definitely have changed a few things.

Thursday, 21 July 2016

10 Things That Make Me Happy

Lots of things have been playing on my mind recently. Hopefully one day I will be able to write about them and help others going through the same, but for now I have to stay positive. So I'm going to list 10 things that make me happy.

Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Weight-loss journey

So I've decided to lose weight. It's not the first time, and I'm sure it wont be the last. More than just wanting to, I need to. 

Some of the reasons why I want to lose weight are to feel more confident, for medical reasons (which I will be writing about in another post), and to be healthier.

The confidence side of things is a little complicated. I'm happy with who I am, I accepted myself a while ago. I know a lot of people don't like me, and I accept that too. Come to think of it, I won't go into a full-blown confidence talk. I can do that another time. That's one of my things, I talk. A LOT.

I know a lot of other people are losing weight, whatever the reasons are. I also need something to hold me to it, so I figured if I write a weekly post I'll have to keep to it. Good for me, good for the blog.

As I'm only just starting, I'm asking for advice. I don't really want to just make it a diet, I want to make it more of a lifestyle change. I honestly have no idea where to start.

For now, I have a few things I'm going to change:

  • Drink 2L of water a day
  • Eat less pasta
  • Plan meals and eat regularly
  • Eat breakfast

I'm going to post once a week, and include things like weigh-in or measurements, meal plans, exercise, etc. Come to think of it, I need to buy some bathroom scales. I really need to do that. 

I know this is a short post, and I promise the next one will be more detailed. For now, I'd like to ask you for some tips or advice on being healthier and losing weight. I'd like to add things into my daily routine, or stop doing them, and make it a lifestyle rather than a 3 month diet. What do you do to be healthier? Are the specific things I should or shouldn't do even though they are healthy, while I'm trying to lose weight?

Leave any advice you have in the comments, or you can Tweet me @farmerswifeblog :)

Bella x

Friday, 8 July 2016

10 Things About Me

Hey everyone! As this blog and myself are fairly new to the blogging scene, I thought it might be a good idea to introduce myself a little more and tell you all about myself.
So here it goes, 10 things about me!

What's it like having a single duckling? - Part 2

What's it actually like having a single duckling? How do I prepare for ducklings?

What nobody tells you about ducklings

If you're incubating 5 to 10, you run the risk of being left with only one duckling (or chick). I found myself in this position with Bob (you can read up on as to why in Part 1) after only incubating 5 eggs.
You know that thing about ducklings imprinting on the first thing they see? Yeah, it's true. So unless you plan on having a minimum of 2 or 3 hatch around the same time, I recommend you don't incubate eggs without a mother duck.

How to keep up with the Housework

"How to keep up with the Housework" is going to be a little series on The Life of a Farmers Wife. This is the first post, How to keep up with the Laundry. Suggestions are welcome :)

How to keep up with the Laundry

What's it like having a single duckling? Part 1

What is it like having a single duckling or chick? Why would I have only one duckling or chick? How do I look after it for the first two months? What do I need to do?
Hi there! This post has turned out to be a lot longer than I thought, so I have divided into two parts.
First of all, I will explain how we have ended up with only one duckling from a clutch of 5. It's quite possible that the same thing could happen to you if you are incubating a small amount of eggs, or have a high disease risk.
Our duck eggs were given to us by a good friend who also owns a farm. We believe both parents are crested ducks, which is a tuft of soft feathers on their head caused by a gene in the parent ducks (I recommend reading this wikipedia article). Unfortunately, both parents having the crest means the ducklings have a higher chance of having the gene twice. This means they tend to die before hatching.

*Updated* First Post

I've decided to change over to Blogger. Some wordpress users will hate me for it, but I just had so many problems with Wordpress I can't be asked anymore haha! I've been trying to schedule posts for a while now, but tey just never seem to actually post when I want them to, or at all. So here I am! :)

First Post - What can you expect to find here? What do I blog about? Why do I blog about it? 
Here you can expect to find anything and everything related to being a farmer's wife. That means the keeping up with house work, the kids, and the animals and land too.
Some upcoming blog posts include "What is it actually like having a single chick or duckling?", "How do I keep up with the housework?" , and "Do I get any alone time in this life?".