Sunday, 4 September 2016

What's New?

Hey everyone! So I've decided to write a little bit of an update post. I've been gone for a month, and before that I was posting quite sparingly. I'm eager to get back into the swing of posting regularly and consistently, so here I am!

I've gone with writing an update post instead of just a post that falls under one of my categories as I feel like a lot has gone on recently and it's been affecting my mood and motivation to blog. I won't be concentrating on that though, because I've taken a new look on life to only focus on the positive. I've also changed a few things on the blog - like the categories and header, for example - so I'm here to tell you all about it.

What's new with The Life of a Farmer's Wife?

Well, quite a lot as it turns out! I've come up with a new way to schedule posts and plan what I will be posting and when, which I think I will make into a post of it's own as I'm pretty happy with how it's working out. I'm going to be posting from Monday to Friday, hoping life doesn't get in the way! I can guarantee there will be at least 2 or 3 posts a week though, as I'm going to be scheduling into the future as far as I can to prevent abandoning the blog again.

The categories have changed too. Before I didn't really know how to categorize my posts, or even if it fitted in with my blog at all. I've surfed the web, spent hours on Pinterest and found some helpful posts that led me to some awesome blogs. Honestly, I think the best way to update and better your blog - if that's what you are looking to do - is to look at your favorite blogs. Inspire yourself - don't copy! - with whatever it is about their blog that makes you love it so much. Is it the color scheme? Maybe their way of being completely and totally themselves? Go pick out a few blogs and find what it is that you love so much about them, and that's exactly what I have done to help myself find what I want my blog to be.

Something else that's new -not necessarily the blog specifically - is my attitude toward blogging. I've let a lot of things affect me too much over the last few months, and now that I have learnt to let it go - I recommend reading The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving a F**k - I've completely changed my outlook on things and my anxiety has been washed away with the tide. I'm super happy with sitting down and just writing. Before I used to sit and type it out from scratch as if it was a final draft, and when it didn't sound or flow like I wanted it to, I would get annoyed with myself and run off and clean the bathroom or something. Now, I've learnt to just sit, chill, and write and write and write. 

I've actually found a page called Word Counter and I use that to set a goal amount of words, and type until I reach that goal. I don't edit it at all while writing, I don't even look at the screen. I'll come back to it once I have reached my goal, and edit any mistakes or things I want to change about it. Believe me, I can see all the red lines and I can already tell I've misspelled so many words haha! I feel so much free-er -  is that even a word? - doing it this way that it's put the joy back into writing for me.

I've changed the header too. I liked the old one, but I didn't feel it fit in with what I wanted my blog to look like. I like things to be light and airy as possible - I know, that's the Instagram aesthetic getting to me! - and so I thought having a dark background with a square and font on it was a little too far out of what I wanted. Instead I searched plain backgrounds in Pexel's free stock photographs website, and found one I felt fit in with what I wanted but stood out enough not to get lost in the rest of the background or even totally ignored. I then edited it in my favorite free photo editing site - yep, you can think of that meme that says "it's free!", I'm on a budget here! - and once I was happy, I uploaded it to the my blog.

Old Header Image

New Header Image

What's new in life?

Well, quite a few things. I'm excited to tell you that B and myself have decided that we will be expanding our family in a year or two. I'm not getting my hopes up too much just yet, as I've got some health problems that could make it hard to conceive and it's probably not going to happen for a while anyway, but I can't help but think of how I'm going to announce it! 

I'm sure I have mentioned this on Twitter, but we also got some land around July. We aren't able to plant much out this year, as we got the patch of land so late in the year, but we have some pumpkins growing that'll be ready for Halloween - who's already excited for Halloween!? - corn, and tomatoes growing too. We're in the process of clearing the weeds that seem to grow about a foot in one night, and getting it all ready for early sowing late in the year and getting things sorted so we don't have to do too much early next year. 

Something not many people may appreciate like I do is having a good cleaning routine. It's something I do pretty much every day being a housewife, and I spend most of my time doing it. Sometimes I actually have to force myself to stop! Haha! Anyway, I've managed to get a pretty good system going for myself. I'm going to write a post on that that'll be going up next week for all of you who also love to clean -and for those who hate it but it has to be done!

I'm sure I've bored you by now with all this talk about me and my life - I also updated my about page this morning! -so I'll be kind and leave you be! Posts will resume normality on Monday, and will follow the schedule I mentioned earlier.

What's new in your life? 

Thanks for reading,
Bella x

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